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Monday - Thursday:
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Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York
Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York
Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York
Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York
Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York
Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York


LIPOFLUSH treatment 45 minuts (one area) -


Ultrasound Cavitation 15 minuts(one area) - $100
Radio Frequency (RF) 15 minuts(one area) - $100
I-Lipo Bio pads with EMS 15 minuts(one area) - $100

*** One “treatment area” is up to 8.5 x 11 inches, which is the size of a standard piece of paper. Some region that requires bilateral treatment (i.e. outer thighs, etc.), can be 2 treatment areas.

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Lipoflush Treament

      LIPOFLUSH s a natural liposuction treatment without surgery. It is a non-surgical procedure applied for: reduction of fat and targeting weight loss from specific areas, tightening loose skin and reshaping your entire body.
Firstly, you must understand how your body works:
Excess calories are stored in your body as fat. When your body needs extra fuel, it uses a 3-steps process to break down stored fat for energy, first, your body releases a fat from the fat cells, later, it moves the fat to your circulation and carries it to the liver where it is converted to energy, and finally, the toxins and hormones have been already released from the fat cells which are carried to the kidneys, then the bowels are flushed out of your body. You can think of this natural 3-step process as: melting, moving, flushing and shaping.

      LIPOFLUSH is also 3-steps procedure which follows your natural body process. All three procedures can also be done separately. First one – ultrasound cavitations which is also known as Cavi Lipo, Ultrasonix®,,UltraShape®, and t, d., second step is Radio Frequency which is well known as Pova RF , Accent® Ultherapy® and other many polar RF units. And last third step is combination of low-level External Laser us VelaShape®, Zerona®, SmoolthShapes® , or I-Lipo and electro-muscular stimulation

Step one: (15 minutes)Ultrasound Cavitation –

Ultrasound Treatment Spa New York breaking the cellulite cells and reducing the fatness by using FDA approved 40,000Hz powerful ultrasonic cavitation head , which rapidly vibrates fat cells, produces countless vacuum air pocket in and out of cells, mightily impacts the fatty cells, makes the cell’s membrane produce the inner cracking and breaking down the fat under your skin.

Step two: (15 minutes) Radio frequency (RF) Dissolves the fatness, tighten loose skin and enhances skin elasticity, melts and moves fat.  LIPOFLUSH takes the most advanced RF technique and energy, directly penetrates into deep seated cellulite. With oriented RF output, it makes fatty cells in quick active state, produces heat friction, and high  temperature.  Through the sweat gland, liver sausage circulation and lymph, exhaust the redundant fat and toxins out of the body, which provides the effect of cellulite dissolving. It also improves skin status, tightens flabby muscle, increases skin elasticity. Thermal effect can accelerate cells metabolism, promotes blood circulation and lymph flow.

Step three: (15 minutes) 6X  oriented BIO electric LED vibration pads is a combination of low-level lipo laser treatment and electro-muscular stimulation for Improving the orange tissues, body slimming, sculpturing and shaping. With different frequencies and pulses, under many physics electron reciprocity, stimulates the fatness, stimulates  body exercise, that gives the heat energy and fatness again ,to  get the effect of sculpturing the body.

LIPOFLUSH aims help you to reshape your body and get your confidence back. LIPOFLUSH are treatments are a non-invasive treatment, which our customers have found to deliver results that they are thrilled with BUT it is NOT a miracle treatment. Call us for your no cost consultation!!!

The Advantages of LIPOFLUSH :

  • Non invasive treatment which is targeting only the fat cells and breaking them down without any pain or marks.
  • Non-surgical and no side-effects with noticeable changes after 4-6 treatments
  • Neither need for a hospitalization nor anesthesia.
  • Neither scars nor long term marking/recovering the skin.
  • It is completely safe with no long term damage.
  • Elimination of the fat through a natural process
  • Conveniently short; you are able to return to the normal life right after.
  • Permanent and affordable.

DO NOT start this treatment under the following circumstances:

  • During menstruation (do not apply to abdomen) and also Pregnant or Breastfeeding women.
  • Infections and diseases of the skin and, Wounds and Sores.
  • During acute fever, Infectious diseases and High or Unbalanced cholesterol Level.
  • Thyroid disease and other hormonal disorders.
  • Any chronic and immune diseases and Heart disease or Asthma and Pacemakers.
  • Autoimmune diseases, HIV or AIDS and Cancer in any form at any time.
  • Deep vein thrombosis and Varicose, Epilepsy and Inflammation of the veins, Phlebitis.
  • Severe high blood pressure or circulation problems and also Liver or kidney disease.
  • Treatment with anti-inflammatory, anticoagulants and/or antibiotics.
  • Under the age of 18.

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